Pokhara ground breaking ceremony!

23 January 2024

Some updates and pictures on the project.

Tenpa Choden (manager of kopan Monastery), Venerable Roger Kunsang (CEO of FPMT), and Venerable Drachom inspecting the land of the site.

Khen Rinpoche, abbot of Kopan Monastery.

Extensive torma offerings made to the local deities, land lords, and protectors.

The Naga’s dual form, combining a human upper body with a serpentine lower half, symbolizes their role as mediators between the human and divine realms, and their ability to traverse various planes of existence, from the earthly to the spiritual. The feminine aspect of the Naga is emphasized to invoke fertility, prosperity, and the protection of the environment, which are important aspects of ground-blessing ceremonies.

“My wish is for FPMT to build many holy objects everywhere, as many as possible. Making it so easy for sentient beings to purify their heavy negative karma and making it so easy for sentient beings to create extensive merit. Which makes it so easy to achieve the realizations of the path and so easy to achieve liberation and enlightenment.”

“My wish is for FPMT to build many holy objects everywhere, as many as possible. Making it so easy for sentient beings to purify their heavy negative karma and making it so easy for sentient beings to create extensive merit. Which makes it so easy to achieve the realizations of the path and so easy to achieve liberation and enlightenment.”

- Lama Zopa Rinpoche

- Lama Zopa Rinpoche

How to support the project

We deeply appreciate your support and willingness to contribute to this noble cause. You can simply make a donation through local bank transfer or international transfers through FPMT website.

With the cost of land for Pokhara at $2 million. We are seeking roughly 2000 shares of $1000 SGD for the required amount. However, any amount of donation is welcomed to support this project.

For Local Transfers

Local transfers can be made via bank transfer to our DBS Bank account 029-036303-0.

For International Transfers

International Transfers can be made through the FPMT Website.

100% of the donations will go to land procurement and cost of construction.

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How to support the project

We deeply appreciate your support and willingness to contribute to this noble cause. You can simply make a donation through local bank transfer or international transfers through FPMT website.

With the cost of land for Pokhara at $2 million. We are seeking roughly 2000 shares of $1000 SGD for the required amount. However, any amount of donation is welcomed to support this project.

For Local Transfers

Local transfers can be made via bank transfer to our DBS Bank account 029-036303-0.

For International Transfers

International Transfers can be made through the FPMT Website.

100% of the donations will go to land procurement and cost of construction.

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